Protein is one of three primary macronutrients that provide energy to the human body, along with fats and carbohydrates. They are comprised of a number of amino acids that are essential to proper body function and serve as building blocks of body tissue.
There are 20 different amino acids in total. While some of these can be made in the body, there are 9 essential amino acids that people can only obtain from dietary sources. Foods that provide all of the essential amino acids are called complete protein sources and can include animal as well as some plant-based sources.
A diet rich in high-quality, clean protein supports good health, muscle recovery, and growth. All proteins are not created equal, however, and if you are vegan, vegetarian, or simply cutting back on animal products in your diet, it can be challenging to get the quality protein you need. This is where a daily protein smoothie makes a ton of sense. In less time than it takes to make a bowl of cereal, you can blend up a great-tasting protein smoothie that will keep you energized and satisfied for hours—while also helping your body build and repair lean muscle tissue.